Edwin Watts Regular 2

Technology And Golf Equipment

Technology has brought about great changes in golf equipment in the last hundred years. While the game itself may not have changed very much, almost everything that we use on the golf course is radically different. Either it is a new invention or it is manufactured very differently today. While a golfer of one hundred years ago would recognize our clubs, he would be very surprised at how differently they play and feel. Other things, such as golf carts, would have been unimaginable to them.

We take it for granted now that the passing years will see more and more improvements in the manufacture of many goods. Golf clubs have benefited hugely from technological advances. The modern golfer has a much wider choice of clubs than ever before.

The use of graphite in the construction of golf clubs is a recent development in the history of golf and has improved the swing for many players. Clubs that contain graphite in different proportions are usually lighter than other clubs and more flexible. For most players this means that their swing is stronger and more controlled.

The manufacture of club heads has also changed a great deal in the last few years and decades. Manufacturers are responding to golfers' demands for more precision. Experimentation has led to a much wider variety of head styles. The curve and shape of the head of the club can be altered to suit different styles of play. Some clubs are designed for beginners while others will only serve an experienced golfer who can be pretty sure of giving them an accurate shot.

Technology has also enabled us to track and record our progress and analyze our practice shots. In the practice area of many golf courses you can have your shots and your swing measured. You may be able to see yourself in action on video so that you can correct your own mistakes. In the past you would have had to rely on being told in lessons where you needed to improve, but seeing this for yourself can have a much greater psychological effect so that a change for the better is more easily achieved.

Beyond this, there are also many gadgets available to golfers these days. Rangefinders that allow you to measure your distance from the hole are very popular. Combined with technological analysis of the length of your drive in practice sessions, this can help you decide on the best club and the strength of your swing.

You will also find digital score calculators that will record your scores. These are useful for keeping score in a match between up to four players, and often they will also store your own scores over a large number of games. This is very useful for analyzing your game on your local course. You can see where you are playing well and which holes you often have trouble with. Although most of us think we know this, the results of keeping an accurate score with this piece of hi tech golf equipment can be surprising.